From a small glint of an idea, to a rapidly expanding story! We are a team of individuals from various backgrounds with a common interest. Follow us on social media!

Jim Fletcher
Founder of .. read more about how and why Londoncrime was created in the section below “The Team”
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Donna Siggers
Proudly referred to as “Sis” to me, Donna Siggers is an amazing author of terrific crime fiction “Broken” and “Betrayal” and much more! #mentalhealth
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Learn more about Donna Siggers, Author, speaker, coach. and visit Donna Siggers Website,

Nathan Rivers
Author of the “London Ganglands” series, the first book “Interview with a Contract Killer” is a fantastic introduction to Nathan’s gritty and addictive writing style. Nathan’s books are not for the faint hearted! He is also an amazing singer too! Top Man!
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Lee Mayo
We are honoured to welcome Lee Mayo to the Londoncrime team, Lee is an interviewer at Liquid Bullet Productionz, an actor, stuntman, martial artist, author.. and an all-round diamond! Check out more on Lee Mayo on our Liquid Bullet Productionz page where you will find further Links.
A word from the founder
The idea behind the reality of the London Crime website is simple. Everyone loves a good London based crime thriller, whether it’s a film or London based true crime book, or simply crime fiction that is based in London. This is how it started. It has since grown into a place to get some info on London’s crime history.
My interest in this subject stems from my dad, a fearless man who you wouldn’t mess with, but had a heart of gold. I had witnessed some of his temper, and heard of many things that I hadn’t personally witnessed. Some of the stories still ring around in my head and some still bring a smile to my face!
Sadly, I lost my dad on Christmas day 2014 after a battle with cancer. I struggled with the loss, but then I started to look deeper into one particular story, and that being the innocence of Michael Luvaglio (whom my dad knew from the early 60’s) and Dennis Stafford. My dad had always insisted that they were innocent, so I started getting further information from the case of the “Angus Sibbet” murder. I was shocked by the shear amount of doubt in this case, wrote to my MP, Who kindly passed my letter to the CCRC…. ‘scuse my french, but what a crock of shit! The case cannot be reviewed unless fresh evidence is provided!! (if you’re unaware of the case, this happened in January 1967.. how the hell can you provide “fresh evidence” on a case this old?). I am personally 100% convinced that these guys were innocent, but sadly, I don’t know what else I can do! (Any help or suggestions welcome!) Michael Luvaglio has since sadly passed away without proving that he was innocent.
This had started an interest in a subject that has drawn me in, as well as discovering that the “Angus Sibbet murder is not the only serious miscarriage of Justice story out there, as there are many more that I have learned about since.
As weIl as the interest in miscarriages of justice, spent hours looking for London crime films, I would look online, I would look in every shop that had row s of dvd’s, I would look in charity shops. I would get lucky with the odd book or film, and my personal collection grew very quickly. I decided that the darker side of London and its crime history, and finding as many book and film titles that are available, should all be available in one place. Welcome to Londoncrime!
It has now became a complete labour of love. London is a fantastic city, with some fantastic people. This project has introduced me to some of the best authors, actors and film-makers out there! I have got to know some of these people personally and good friendships have developed. I have the “team” now behind me, and all of these people are all very important to me and have been supportive from the very start. A huge thank you to Donna Siggers and Nathan Rivers.
Finally, I’d like to add, A huge thank you for the support and understanding from my family, the help from my mum and…Dad, this is for you. Always in my thoughts. R.I.P (Jim, founder of “